Myths About LED Lights

LED lamps have become very popular lately, which has led many people to talk about them. For this reason, there have been many myths about LED Lights. Here are some myths:

They last forever

Although the seers last a long time, they don't last forever. Indeed, the diode emits less and less light as it ages, and its brightness decreases over time. Although the lights don't last forever, the interesting thing with them is that you can increase their lifespan. Here are some of the ways you can do this:

Prevent units from overheating: when switched on, the diodes tend to become very hot, putting them at high risk of damage. To prevent the units from overheating, cover them with heat sinks, which will make it easier to move heat. You should also avoid placing the lights in fully closed areas.

Use dimmers: these not only increase the lifespan of LEDs, but also avoid too much light. For optimal results, you need to use the right dimmers for your light.

Use the right LED: while LEDs are highly customizable, using the wrong light in the wrong application reduces their lifespan. For optimal results, you need to do your research and make sure that the light you use is adapted to the climate and environment in which you live.

LEDs are expensive

While lighting is much more expensive than another lighting on the market, it is not expensive when you consider the benefits. Some of the benefits you'll enjoy when using LEDs include:

  • The best lighting technology
  • Reducing light pollution because the lights emit light in specific directions
  • Very minimal energy waste
  • Long lifespan. If you take good care of the lights, they can last up to 20 years.
  • LED light harms the eyes

This is not true because the light emitted is not harmful to the eyes. Looking at the light spectrum, you will find that the LED light Pakistan only in the visible; therefore, no harmful UV or thermal infrared radiation is emitted. This means that light cannot interfere with your vision.


These are some of the popular myths about LED lighting. When buying lamps, make sure you always buy them from reputable sellers. Also, make sure you buy the highest quality lamps you can afford.


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